Wheat grass and its effects on skin

Wheat grass has been used since ages as it is helpful in providing required vitamins and minerals that are very helpful in nourishing skin and helps it to look healthy

· Due to presence of vitamin E in wheat grass, it helps in preventing aging and also helps in maintaing shine on the skin.
· Vitamin E also helps in preventing dark circles around eyes
· It is a good remedy in any skin disorder, as it possesses the cold potency, which is helpful in curbing skin disease that are of hot potency.
· Super oxide dismutase (SOD) present in wheat grass helps in slowing the aging process of cell thus gives the property of rasayan to wheat grass
· Alanine, an amino acid helps in promoting blood formation there fore helpful in formation of RBC (red blood corpuscles), WBC (white blood corpuscles), blood platelets etc. which are helpful in providing proper nourishment and protection to cell from any foreign invasion
· Vitamin A present in wheat grass is very useful in improving vision of eyes therefore helping in providing proper nourishment to the skin under eyes preventing dark circles and sagging down of skin
· Iron is helpful in hemoglobin production therefore is helpful in increasing oxygen carrying capacity of blood and is helps in imparting pinkish colour to the skin.